Our First Huge Event- Don't Miss It.!
                         Family Friendly ATV- MOTO Rodeo Fun
                                   check this out- CRAZY FUN! 

South East Idahos Very Own ATV- Moto Rodeo- OCTOBER 9, 2010 2010 South-East Idaho
October 9, 2010- beginning at 12:00 noon  Where- North Bingham County Arena- west of Shelley High School or east off of exit 108, cross river and turn right.
- Pole Racing- and yes its safe
- Barrel Racing- you have to see this
- Hide Racing- you get to pull your significant or not...
Hamburgers- Hot dogs- Soda- who knows maybe even baked potatoes?
Don't know what a hide race is- Barrel racing on a motorcycle?
Pole bending on an ATV?  check out this link for videos and how
to sign up for the events you want to race in-
And remember- there are cash prizes for each winner of each
Family Fun- ATV MOTO Rodeo- videos, sign up forms, rules and cash prizes!    
Don't delay its coming Saturday October 9, 2010
with Registration deadline on October 4, 2010 5:00 p.m.

Big Cougar Thanks
to those who have joined us to help keep the winning
alive and well in our Firth Schools.  
We still need you.  If you have just
heard about us take
a moment and fill out this short form and let us
how you can help.  Thank You so much!

Many hands make light work!

Click on the link below to enlist and describe how you would strategize
to help us overcome this enemy!

Click on this link for Instant Access!


We thank you for anything you can help us with even if you can only
continue to cheer us on in this battle.

   To contact us:
   phone- (208) 681-2375    

   email - myfirthcougars@gmail.com

   facebook- Firth Cougar Fan